Volunteers Policy


This policy sets out the procedures relating to the engagement and management of volunteers in activities authorised by Lutton Parish Council. The Parish Council recognises that volunteering can benefit the council, the community and the volunteers themselves.


The Council maintains a list of volunteers (name, address, contact details). Volunteers are asked to notify the Council of any changes to those details. If volunteers no longer wish to volunteer they should contact the Clerk to have their details removed from the Volunteer List. (Annexe A)

Volunteers must be competent to carry out a role. The nature of skills required will depend on the activity.

If required, appropriate training will be provided in advance of the volunteer working on site. The minimum levels of training should be sufficient to ensure maintenance of the health and safety of volunteer and any people who might be affected by the work, as far as reasonable practicable.

Volunteers should be informed about the task and its purpose, health safety and supervision arrangements before commencement of work.

All works undertaken by volunteers take account of the Health & Safety at Work Act.

Volunteers working at the sole request of and under the sole control of the Parish Council will be insured under the Parish Council’s Public Liability and Employers Liability cover.

Volunteers should only carry out tasks allocated to them.

Prior to work commencing, a visual inspection of the site must be carried out to ensure that there are no obvious hazards. These inspections are to be recorded.

There should be a method of communication for emergency purposes.

Volunteers must have due regard to the fact that they are carrying out authorised work on behalf of the Parish Council and as such are representing the Council, in terms of both the quality of work and possible interaction with the public.

If a volunteer raises a complaint that cannot be resolved at the time then a complaint should be instigated in accordance with Lutton Parish Council’s Complaints Procedure.

A copy of this policy must be given to volunteers the first time they undertake work on behalf of the Council. The policy will be re-issued to volunteers if any material changes to the policy are made.



A risk assessment should be undertaken before commencement of work. The Parish Clerk is to hold a copy of the risk assessment.

Volunteers must undergo an induction briefing appropriate for the task(s) being undertaken. This should include a description of the work to be undertaken and known issues and risks associated with the site.

Volunteers will be expected to sign the briefing sheet, showing that they have received an induction brief, they understand the nature of the work, they recognise the risks associated with the task and agree to comply with instructions provided during the induction brief. This document is not intended to form a contract. Volunteers will also be expected to confirm that they do not have any medical issues that would put either them or other volunteers at risk.

On completion of the work, the supervisor is to forward the completed induction brief to the Clerk with a completed summary of the work undertaken. Retention of induction briefs will allopw the Council to record work and ultimately acknowledge the contributions to the community made by volunteers.

An example Induction Brief and volunteer sign-up sheet – Annexe B.


Annexe A to

Lutton Parish Council Volunteer Policy & Procedures


Lutton Parish Council – Volunteer List

The Lutton Parish Council Volunteer List is maintained by the Clerk. All information will be kept confidential.

It is essential that a volunteer advises the supervisor of an activity, or the Clerk, of any illness or ailment that could put either themselves or other volunteers at risk of injury or harm, whilst working on a task.

Where a volunteer can no longer take part, they are to contact the Clerk requesting their details are removed from the list.

Your Contact Details






Phone number:















Annexe B To

Lutton Parish Council Volunteer Policy & Procedures


Lutton Parish Council -  [Task name] Induction brief and Volunteer Acknowledgement


Supervisor :


Date :                                                                               Start Time :

                                                                                          Finish Time :


Location (to be defined by supervisor)


Description of Activity


Tools to be used


Hazards and Safety Measures:

All work undertaken by volunteers shall have regard to the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and related Health & Safety legislation.

You should not undertake the work defined if you have either an injury or illness that could increase risk of further injury to you or fellow volunteers. If you are unsure of the likelihood of increased risk due to either injury or illness, you should contact the supervisor before starting work.

You will not be asked to work at height.

Jewellery, necklaces, watches ideally should not be worn – wearing them present risk of injury.

Appropriate footwear must be worn. Ideally, sturdy boots covering the ankle and providing support on uneven ground should be worn. Open-toed shoes or sandals must not be worn. Doing so increases risk significantly.

Long hair must be tied up to avoid it getting caught in the activity.

Gloves should be worn where appropriate.

First Aid

If a volunteer is wounded (serious cuts and grazes) undertaking authorised work, the supervisor should be notified as soon as possible.

In the case of serious injury, immediate first aid should be administered and the supervisor informed.

The supervisor is expected to carry with them a mobile telephone. Where necessary, the emergency services will be called.