Tree planting in the park

On 26th March a group of volunteers, made up of council members and parishioners, planted around 240 trees in the park. This is the first stage of creating a meadow/woodland area and included Rowan, Oak, Silver Birch and Hazel trees. We will continue to develop the area and plan to add larger trees at a later date. Once the young trees are more established we also hope to add pathways, seating and other features such as bird boxes and insect hotels, as well as developing the wildflower areas. 

These young trees were donated by the Woodland Trust. We hope to add larger trees in the next planting season and everyone is welcome to be involved. We have been donated some further trees and would welcome any donation or tree purchase. If you would like to purchase a tree to plant, or donate towards future trees, please contact the Clerk Claire Matthews 01406 366554



tree plantingtree plantingtree plantingtree plantingtree planting


Published: Sunday, 8th May 2022