13th July

Minutes of the Lutton Parish Council meeting held at Lutton Village Hall on 13th July 2020

Presiding over the meeting: Cllr Wilkinson

In attendance: Cllr J Wilkinson, Cllr K Jordaan and Mrs C Matthews (Parish Clerk).  


Public Forum Items raised by public:



1. To Elect a Chairman 43.20

As per advice received from LALC, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, Chairman positions are to remain in place until May 2021.


2. Chairman's Declaration of Acceptance 44.20

The Chairman signed a declaration of acceptance.


3. Apologies for absence (with reasons) 45.20

The Council Resolved to accept apologies from Cllr E Woodhouse, Cllr A Ludlam, Cllr E Saxton and Cllr R Phillips.


4. Declarations of Interest 46.20



5. Chairman's  Remarks  47.20

The Chairman wished to thank all Councillors for their continued input via emails whilst the Council is unable to meet in full.


6. To review the findings and effectiveness of internal audit 48.20

The Chairman read this aloud.

The internal audit found all processes to be efficient and all financial accounts to be in order. The appropriate section of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return has been completed by the internal auditor.


7. To complete section One - Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019-20 (circulated) 49.20

The Council completed Section 1 of the AGAR. The Council Resolved to approve of this Section, and it was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.


8. To complete section Two - Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019-20 (circulated) 50.20

The Council completed Section 2 of the AGAR. The Council Resolved to approve of this Section, and it was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.


9. Items for future agendas 51.20

Vice Chairman election, Personnel Panel and working party elections, Allotments, Speeding, Ground maintenance/quotes.


10. To discuss staffing and administration 52.20



There being no more business the meeting closed at 7.25 pm.