25th January

Minutes of the Lutton Parish Council meeting held electronically on 25th January 2021

Presiding over the meeting: Cllr Wilkinson

In attendance: Cllr J Wilkinson, Cllr K Jordaan, Cllr A Ludlam, Cllr E Saxton, Cllr R Phillips, District Councillor J Tyrell, one public member and Mrs C Matthews (Parish Clerk).  


Public Forum, Items raised by public:

New war memorial – discussion on whether to include steel silhouettes of airman alongside the memorial. 


1. Apologies for absence with reasons 01.21

The Council resolved to accept apologies from Cllr Woodhouse. 


2. Declarations of interest – To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications of dispensation.  02.21



3. Signing of the minutes 03.21

Notes from the meetings on 30th November 2020 were taken as read and the council resolved to accept them as minutes. Paper copy to be delivered to Chairman for signing.


 04. Financial matters 04.21

Items for payment under Sec 137



Accounts for payment

28/11/20, C Matthews, , Wages November, s/o, £ 611.52

12/12/20, Longstaff, FBT updates, 101801, Net £ 632.80, VAT £ 126.56, Gross £ 759.36

12/12/20, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Ground maintenance, 101802, Net £ 1,110.75, VAT £ 222.15, Gross £ 1,332.90

12/12/20, Anglian Water, Cemetery Water, 101803, £ 11.97

28/12/20, C Matthews, Wages December, s/o, £ 611.52

04/01/21, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Ground maintenance, 101802, Net £ 1,110.75, VAT £ 222.15,  Gross £ 1,332.90

04/01/21, Lutton Village Hall Committee, Village Hall Room Hire, 101805, £150.00

The council resolved to make the above payments as put before them.


Money in:

24/11/20, R King Memorials, New memorial, 100328, £ 75.00

21/12/20, Allotment holder, Allotment rent, 100329, £ 699.00

21/12/20, Lincs Co-op Funeral Services, Burial, 100330, £ 170.00


Update on online banking.

The Council resolved to add the Clerk to the mandate in order for her to have access to add the invoices due for payment to online banking. Awaiting mandate form from Barclays.


Resolve to accept Bank Reconciliation (3rd quarter)

All members received and checked electronic copies of accounts, bank statements and reconciliations. All payments and receipts accounts reconciled with bank statements and the Council RESOLVED to accept it. Paper copies to the distributed to signatory for signing.


Discuss Budget Report (3rd Quarter)

This was briefly discussed. The Council resolved to claim VAT back quarterly, rather than once per year.


5. Chairman’s remarks 05.21


The Chairman was pleased with the very positive response to the Christmas tree provided by the council and would like to provide a tree in future years.


6. Police matters 06.21



7. Clerk’s report 07.21

All correspondence from the previous meeting has been dealt with and reply’s sent where needed.

The new website is now live, and the Clerk continues to add to it. Clerk to add parish church video made by District Councillors.

The Clerk has received several complaints about dog fouling. The Council resolved to purchase some signs to put up around the village.

Additional correspondence – Lincs Police – Police Safer Together Team (Circulated)

Additional planning application – see below.  


8. Receive reports from district and county councillors  08.21

7.30 pm – District Cllr J Tyrell entered the meeting.

The proposed budget for 2021/22 was recently discussed at a meeting. The proposed rate of interest is quite low at 2.57%, which equates to £4.95 in Band D.

The Santa visits were very well received and raised approximately £600.00 for Mens Shed. 

District Cllrs hope to provide garden waste collections again throughout 2021. Dates to be confirmed.


9. Correspondence 09.21

Barclays – Bank statements

SHDC – Electorate monthly updates

SHDC – Community Newsletters (Circulated)

LALC – Weekly e-updates (Circulated)

ICO - Newsletters (Circulated)

LALC – News editions (Circulated)

LCC – School Admissions Policy Consultation 2 (Circulated)

PCSO Bennett – Newsletter & Nextdoor (Circulated)

LCC – Parish websites

ICO – Confirmation of renewal


10. Planning matters 10.21

Update on previously discussed applications:

H12-0961-20 Mr H Wright, extension and alterations, 2 The Rookery, Lutton . SHDC decision : Approved


H12-0097-20 S Anderson & J Dewsberry, Details of scheme to deal with contamination (Condition 4 of H12-0666-20), Off Lutton Garnsgate. SHDC decision : Approved


H12-1137-20 Mr & Mrs Taylor, Erection of timber pre-fabricated single storey annexe for ancillary use

to main dwelling – approved under H12-0798-20 Amendment to location of annexe. SHDC decision Approved



H12-1056-20, Mr Cook & Miss Stockdale, Proposed extension, alterations and detached garage, Cock & Magpie Cottage, 18 Gedney Road (Type Full) (Comments by 29/01/21)

H12-1057-20 Mr Cook & Miss Stockdale, Proposed extension, alterations and detached garage, Cock & Magpie Cottage, 18 Gedney Road (Type Listed Building) (Comments by 29/01/21)

H12-0048-21 MR L Shepperson & Miss E Brazier, Demolition of existing garage and construction of a new one and a half storey side extension, Hannarane 21 Ropers Gate, Lutton (Comments by 11.02.21)


The Council resolved to make no comment on this applications.


11. Cemetery matters 11.21

Painting of gates at Cemetery and Church

The Council resolved to remove the gates, have them sandblasted and repainted once the weather is warmer.

Resolve on memorial application (Holbeach Memorial Co.) (Circulated)

The Council resolved to give approval for the memorial.   


12. Highways & footways 12.21

Update on outstanding matters

Green Lane – getting overgrown. Clerk to enquire is SHDC environmental team can attend to clear it.

Colleys Gate Footpath – very clear and good to walk on. Hedge on neighbouring property has been cut back.

School Lane – previous issue of standing water appears to have been resolved by the works completed by Highways – residents have not had the same issues this winter.


To report any new matters



13. Allotments 13.21



14. Play/open areas 14.21

a. Painting of the village sign

The Council resolved to have the sign removed, sandblasted and repainted once the weather is warmer.     


15. Civic society memorial application 15.21

 Update on Planning Application

Awaiting wording confirmation from Society for planning application to be submitted.


16. Update on waste bin issues 16.21

The bins are currently out of stock at SHDC. Once in stock the bin on the village green will be replaced.

The Clerk as been advised the dog waste bin on School Lane should be getting emptied, despite being on street light post. Clerk to query whether the height of the bin is an issue.


17. Items for future agendas 17.21

Green Lane – over grown. 


18. Date of next meeting 18.21

Electronically -  15th March 2021


19. To resolve on whether the council should move into closed session, on the grounds of confidentiality, for discussion of the following agenda items. 19.21



20. To discus staffing and administration 20.21



There being no more business the meeting closed at 7.50 pm.