20th March - Council meeting

Lutton Parish Council Meeting

To be held in Lutton Village Hall

You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of the above Council on 20th March 2023 at 7.00 pm or following the Parish Meeting or at the rising of the public forum. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed below in the agenda. There will be a 15-minute public forum at 7.00pm when members of the public may ask questions or make a short statement to the Council and your attendance is also requested during this period.

Claire Matthews

Clerk to Lutton Parish Council


Public Forum, Items raised by public members.


1. Apologies For Absence with reasons


2. Declarations Of Interest – To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications of dispensation.


3. Signing Of The Minutes – Notes from the meetings on 28th November 2022 and 23rd January 2023.


4. Financial Matters

Items for payment under Sec 137: None


Accounts for payment

28/01/23, C Matthews, Wages January, BACS, £ 644.40

28/01/23, C Matthews, Expenses January, BACS, £ 38.01

03/02/23, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Installation of noticeboard , BACS, Net £ 415.00, VAT £ 83.00, Gross £ 498.00

03/02/23, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Ground Maintenance January, BACS, Net £ 1,110.75, VAT £ 222.15, Gross £ 1,332.90

03/02/23, Lutton Village Hall Committee , Room Hire 2022, BACS, £ 150.00

06/02/23, Richard King Memorials, Memorial Repair x2, BACS, Net £ 100.00, VAT £ 20.00, £ 120.00

15/02/23, Richard King Memorials, Memorial Repair - Angel, BACS, £ 100.00, £ 20.00, Gross £ 120.00

15/02/23, HMRC, Clerk Tax, BACS, £ 9.00

15/02/23, C Matthews, Reimburse Microsoft Laptop Package, BACS, Net £ 49.99, VAT £ 10.00, Gross £ 59.99

28/02/23, C Matthews, Wages February, BACS, £ 644.40

28/02/23, C Matthews, Expenses February , BACS, £ 37.91

03/03/23, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Ground Maintenance February, BACS, Net £ 1,110.75, VAT £ 222.15, Gross £ 1,332.90

06/03/23, Anglian Water, Cemetery Water, BACS, £ 12.16


Money in

30/01/23, HMRC, VAT Reclaim 3rd Quarter, BACS, £ 1,203.61

14/02/23, Holbeach Memorial Co. , Ashes Internment and Ashes Memorial , BACS , £ 200.00

16/02/23, SHDC, District Councillor Grant, BACS, £ 667.28

21/02/23, Morriss & Haynes Funeral Directors, 2x Burials, 000028, £ 510.00


Resolve to update the Clerks wages in-line with updated LALC Pay Scales.


5. Chairman’s Remarks


6. Police Matters


7. Clerk’s Report 


8. Receive Reports From District And County Councillors


9. Correspondence

Unity Trust Bank – Statements

SHDC – Electorate monthly updates

SHDC – Community Newsletters (Circulated)

LALC – Weekly e-updates (Circulated)

ICO - Newsletters (Circulated)

LCC – Town & Parish Council Newsletter (Circulated)

PCSO – Newsletter (Circulated)

Unity Trust Bank – Confirmation of new address

Highways – TRO at St Nicholas School

Highways – TRO speed limit changes Marriotts Gate


10. Planning Matters

Update on previously discussed applications

H12-0577-22 G H Hoyles, Proposed change of use of agricultural land to dog exercise area and to include new farm shop – Amendment 2 – Vending, electric charging and lighting removed together with reduction In car parking spaces, Monmouth Lane, Lutton : SHDC Decision : Approved

H12-1202-22, South Holland IDB, works to Lutton Tree Preservation Order No 1 1959, Garnsgate Road, Lutton.  : SHDC Decision : Approved


Applications: None.


11. Cemetery Matters

Update on memorial repairs

Update on bench for cemetery

Update on gate repair works at Lowgate

Resolve on ashes memorial application – Holbeach Memorials


12. Highways & Footways

Update on outstanding matters

To report any new matters


13. Allotment Matters


14. Play/Open Areas

Updated on Playdale Park Equipment installation

Update on tree donations for Park.

Update on funding applications

Resolve on ground maintenance tender

Resolve on tree survey quote


15. Noticeboards

Resolve on quote for new noticeboard outside School.


16. Events

Easter Bunny visit

King’s Coronation


 17. Resolve On Appointment Of Internal Auditor


18. Items For Future Agendas


19. Date of next meeting :  15th May 2023


20. To resolve on whether the council should move into closed session, on the grounds of confidentiality, for discussion of the following agenda items.


21. To discuss staffing and administration

a. Receive Personnel Panel report for Clerk appraisal