18th September
Lutton Parish Council Meeting
To be held in Lutton Village Hall
You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of the above Council on 18th September 2023 at 7.00 pm or at the rising of the public forum. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed below in the agenda. There will be a 15-minute public forum at 7.00pm when members of the public may ask questions or make a short statement to the Council and your attendance is also requested during this period.
Claire Matthews
Clerk to Lutton Parish Council
Public Forum, Items raised by public members.
1. Apologies for absence with reasons
2. Declarations of interest – To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications of dispensation.
3. Signing of the minutes – Notes from the meeting on 10th July 2023.
4. Financial matters
Items for payment under Sec 137: None
Accounts for payment
Date, Payee, Item, Chq No
05/07/23, Lutton PCC, Reimburse clock winding, BACS, £ 260.00
05/07/23, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Ground Maintenance June, BACS, Net £ 1,232.10, VAT £ 246.42, Gross £ 1,478.52
21/07/23, Lutton PCC, Flower festival grant, BACS, £ 200.00
28/07/23, C Matthews, Wages July, BACS, £ 699.60
28/07/23, C Matthews, Expenses July, BACS, £ 30.41
05/08/23, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Ground Maintenance July & Pest control, BACS, Net £ 1,442.10, VAT £ 288.42, Gross £ 1,730.52
24/08/23, Playsafety Ltd, Annual inspection, BACS, Net £ 113.50, VAT £ 22.70, Gross £ 136.20
24/08/23, Anglian Water, Cemetery Water, BACS, £ 15.73
24/08/23, PKF Littlejohn LLP, AGAR , BACS, Net £ 315.00, VAT £ 63.00, Gross £ 378.00
28/08/23, C Matthews, Wages August, BACS, £ 699.60
28/08/23, C Matthews, Expenses August, BACS, £ 30.41
31/08/23, N J Pacey Landscaping Ltd, Ground Maintenance August, BACS, Net £ 1,232.10, VAT £ 246.42, Gross £ 1,478.52
11/09/23, HMRC, Clerk Tax, BACS, £ 38.40
Money in
Date, Payer, Item, Pay In Slip No, Net
17/07/23, R King Memorials, Ashes memorial, BACS, £ 50.00
15/08/23, M J Coates, Memorial and ashes memorial , 000032, £ 125.00
18/08/23, Morris & Haynes FS, Ashes internment , 000033, £ 50.00
24/08/23, F E Walton FS, Ashes internment , 000034, £ 50.00
29/08/23, Thornalley Funeral Service, Burial and reservation, BACS, £ 220.00
5. Chairman’s remarks
6. Police matters
7. Clerk’s report
8. Receive reports from district and county councillors
9. Correspondence
Unity Trust Bank – Statements
SHDC – Electorate monthly updates
SHDC – Community Newsletters (Circulated)
LALC – Weekly e-updates (Circulated)
ICO - Newsletters (Circulated)
Rural Services Network – Newsletter (Circulated)
LCC – Town & Parish Council Newsletter (Circulated)
UK Shared Prosperity – GRASSroots grant programme
PFK Littlejohn LLP – AGAR Conclusion report
Parishioner – Tree works enquiry
Lets Move Lincolnshire Connect 2023 – Registration information
10. Planning matters
Update on previously discussed applications
H12-0188-23, G H Hoyles Ltd, Details on fencing (Condition 3 of H12-0577-23), Monmoth Lane, Lutton Gowts : SHDC Decision : Approved
H12-0586-23, Mr & Mrs Wyatt Grainge, Proposed read and side extensions, Picardy, Lutton Bank. : SHDC Decision : Approved
H12-0514-23, Mr M Penta, Erection of boundary fence (retrospective), 20 Gedney Road, Long Sutton : SHDC Decision : Approved
H12-0559-23 Mr M Penta, siting of static caravan to be used as annexe to main dwelling, 20 Gedney Road, Long Sutton : SHDC Decision : Approved
H12-0523-23, Mrs C Hyden, re-build brick boundary wall, patio area and installation of sewage treatment plant, Garnsgate Hall, Lutton : SHDC Decision : Approved
H12-0525-23, Mrs Hyden, re-build boundary wall and patio area, Garnsgate Hall, Lutton : SHDC Decision : Approved
H12-0632-23 Mr & Mrs Robinson, two storey rear extension, front porch and internal alterations, 14 Barholme Ave, Lutton. (Circulated - comments by 9th August 2023)
H12-0687-23 Multiflora Flowers Ltd, Construction of 5,360 sq mt glasshouse together with fresh water storage lagoon, Monmouth Lane, Lutton Gowts (Circulated – comments by 25th August 2023)
11. Cemetery matters
Update on bench for cemetery
Update on gate repair works at Lowgate
12. Highways & footways
Update on outstanding matters
To report any new matters
13. Allotment matters
Resolve on allotment rent from October 2024
14. Play/open areas
Update on funding applications
Resolve on Ground Maintenance tender
Discuss RoSPA Annual inspection report
15. Noticeboards
Update on Noticeboard at Primary School.
16. Update on community speed watch group
17. Resolve on insurance renewal policy
18. Review the below policies & risk assessment:
Data Protection
Data Protection GDPR
GDPR Subject Access Request Procedure
GDPR Data Breach Policy
GDPR Retentions Policy
Discipline & Grievance Policy
Expenses Policy
Sickness & Absence Policy
Finance risk assessment
19. Events
Resolve on Christmas tree and requirements for Santa visit
20. Items for future agendas
21. Date of next meeting : 13th November 2023
22. To resolve on whether the council should move into closed session, on the grounds of confidentiality, for discussion of the following agenda items.
23. To discuss staffing and administration